In many parts of the world, girls are at risk of specific forms of violence and abuse, such as , , , ,.
The goals of this initiative are to raise global awareness of the unique challenges facing girls, as well as the key role they have in addressing larger poverty and development challenges.
Since a 23-year-old in December and later died in hospital from her injuries, the issue of rape has been hugely prominent in India.
They were: Abhijit Harmalkar, 28, a driver; his brother, Avinash, 24, a factory worker; Bhivresh Banaulikar, 26, an auditor; Brindhavan Salgaonkar, 20, a factory worker; Robin Shretha, 21, a waiter; and Papi Gonzales, 32, the owner of the bar.
According to one custom, a girl's way of wearing her hair would indicate her marital status.
This is a traditional rite of passage and festival day in Japan for three- and seven-year-old girls and three- and five-year-old boys, held annually on November 15.