Zoe is your homie - ZoeIsYourHomie

Homie your zoe is Discover Big

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Homie your zoe is Discover zoezogleman

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Homie your zoe is 13 Prison

Homie your zoe is 13 Prison

Homie your zoe is Stream Gorilla

Homie your zoe is About


Homie your zoe is Travis Porter

Homie your zoe is Gorilla Zoe

Indecisive about names (Ella/Zoe), thought about pronoun : TransTryouts

Homie your zoe is MYSPACE

Homie your zoe is Flowers By

Flowers By Zoe

Gorilla Zoe

Road Dawg: This is your homie.

  • It's super cute on it! I'll send her a text asking for fashion advice, hopefully it'll be able to help me out.

  • Your Tiny Home Journey is ready for you! Thank you for choosing Tiny Homies to be your Tiny Home Connection.


At your office, it could be the janitor, who literally holds the keys.

  • You probably already have a lot of things you want to call some of the people you work with … but here are some suggestions straight from the prison yard.

  • Instead of just telling on you outright, a dry snitcher in the workplace speaks loud enough so that your boss or supervisor can hear what he or she was going to tell on you for, and gets you in trouble anyway.

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