Hazel honeysuckle house of cards - Echo

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Of house hazel cards honeysuckle Cameo on

Of house hazel cards honeysuckle Hazel Honeysuckle

Of house hazel cards honeysuckle Hazel Honeysuckle

Of house hazel cards honeysuckle Echo


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Of house hazel cards honeysuckle Hazel Honeysuckle:

Of house hazel cards honeysuckle Hazel Honeysuckle


Of house hazel cards honeysuckle Echo

Of house hazel cards honeysuckle Hazel Honeysuckle

Cameo on “House of Cards”

My character, Echo, appears in episodes 2 and 12, I hope you have a chance to watch it! As an actress, Hazel was first cast for the role of Echo in House of Cards 2013 , directed by David Fincher.

  • After attending the New York School of Burlesque, Hazel was cast in Erotic Broadway and now performs burlesque all over the East Coast although primarily in New York City.

  • President Garrett Walker Michael Gill after gill backpedaled on a promise to appoint Francis Secretary of State.

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I have eight years of experience modeling in pinup and fashion shoots as well as nude and beauty.

  • Tattoos: I've got a little pair of birds inside each wrist, a woman surrounded by flowers on my outer left calf, and a large art deco design on my back, with a chameleon in the center.

  • After attending the New York School of Burlesque, Hazel was cast in Erotic Broadway and now performs burlesque all over the East Coast although primarily in New York City.

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