Georgina spelvin images - GEORGINA SPELVIN

Spelvin images georgina GEORGINA SPELVIN

Spelvin images georgina GEORGINA SPELVIN

Spelvin images georgina Georgina Spelvin

Spelvin images georgina Georgina Spelvin

Spelvin images georgina Georgina Spelvin

Spelvin images georgina Georgina Spelvin

Georgina Spelvin

Spelvin images georgina GEORGINA SPELVIN

Spelvin images georgina Georgina Spelvin

Spelvin images georgina Georgina Spelvin

Spelvin images georgina Georgina Spelvin

Georgina Spelvin Net Worth

Still, Georgina has no regrets.

  • For a number of women, she has become a role model —and why not? The Sting had dominated most of the box-office that year and would go on to steal most of the Academy Awards including best picture.

  • Georgina today- sober, content and happy.


For a long time she kind of downplayed her porn past, but now she embraces it and sees it in the proper context of her life.

  • To find out more about her, you can visit her site- to order Georgina Spelvin's autobiography from Amazon Hollywood historian Graham Hill can be reached at grahamhill007 sbcglobal.

  • In the porn world, no one used their real name.