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Pole dancer barbie Why I

Why I won't be buying my daughter a Barbie at Christmas

Pole dancer barbie Pole Dancing

Pole dancer barbie Girls, Girls,

Pole Dancing In P

Pole dancer barbie Girls, Girls,

Why I won't be buying my daughter a Barbie at Christmas

Pole dancer barbie Dancer1

Girls, Girls, Girls: The USB Pole Dancer

Pole dancer barbie Barbie

Pole dancer barbie Dancer1

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Pole dancer barbie Cables

Pole Dancing Dolls: Children's Stripper Figurine Marks the End of Innocence

Her limbs were stiff for the first two days but the longer you move them the motion will become smoother and easier to move.

  • This is a nice doll - pleasant face and great hair colour - as always the hair gets messed up in the attempt to remove the plastic packaging 'bolted' to the head.

  • Reading, photography, learning, traveling, internet surfing and to name a few.