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Allison Argent Photos

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Crystal Reed

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Mind on a Mission

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What’s so Special About Allison Argent?

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Argent photoshoot allison Allison Argent

Allison Argent Photos on Fanpop

The Michigan native also admitted that she got tired of portraying a teenager.

  • She was still struggling of course, with the loss of her mother, with the mistakes she made in Season 2, with accepting her families legacy while keeping her own convictions.

  • Isaac quickly realized that Beacon Memorial was the hospital where was being treated for her poisoning and head injury the former aspect also being caused by Jennifer.

Why Did Allison Leave 'Teen Wolf'? Fans Can Blame Crystal Reed

Someone could be falling in love with your smile.

  • At the recital, the music went from typical classical music to something much darker and almost demonic, seemingly entrancing some of the audience.

  • Reed's portrayal of Falcone is the first time the comic-book character has been in a television show or movie.