Ggg german goo - What does GGG mean?

Goo ggg german What does

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Goo ggg german GGG

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What does GGG mean?

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GGG only exists because we are terrible people. : AdviceAnimals

I was always used to getting attention I picked up on that and I enjoyed the attention.

  • That's why being nice is nice - because everybody can do it to everybody else and everybody benefits from it.

  • Membership was extremely strict and only allowed girls who met the strict requirements of the Fascist regime.

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Formalities, common courtesies, exist for a reason - they express to someone that you recognize what they're doing as a good thing and that it was not something they had to do.

  • This logic is applied to religious people who are nice because they're being offered salvation in the next world.

  • Oops, sorry, you probably just wanted some glib funny answer instead of the uncomfortable truth.