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Hot 10: Lexi Atkins

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The Boy Next Door (film)

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Hot 10: Lexi Atkins

Barbara Curry, a former criminal lawyer, wrote the screenplay for the film inspired from her life's experiences, with additional writing from Belle Nuru Dayne.

  • Despite negative reviews, Lopez has received praise.

  • Measuring the film's pros and cons, magazine said that the film's social media activity online and Lopez's pull with Latino audiences would help it.

Hot 10: Lexi Atkins

Several publications particularly criticized the scene where Noah gives Claire a printed book that is supposed to be a first edition copy of the , a work written nearly 3,000 years ago in Greece.

  • The following morning, Claire wakes up and tells Noah that she regrets their night together, causing him to punch a wall in rage.

  • After Noah insults her, she expels him.

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