Sarah stiles spinel - South Coast Repertory

Spinel sarah stiles South Coast


Spinel sarah stiles Sarah Stiles

Spinel sarah stiles Steven Universe

Spinel sarah stiles South Coast

Spinel sarah stiles Steven Universe

Spinel sarah stiles “Drift Away”

Spinel sarah stiles Spinel

Spinel sarah stiles Steven Universe

We love you Sarah Stiles! : spinel

Spinel sarah stiles South Coast

Spinel sarah stiles Sarah Stiles

Sarah Stiles

She believes herself to be completely unlovable the way she is now, as if she preferred being the way she was, but she also hates the way she was considering herself to have been stupid - so she constantly takes shots at herself in between threats towards others.

  • Considering she used to be a before her , it's fitting.

  • The full extent of this isn't explained until her relationship with Pink is revealed.

And When She Smiles Thats What Im After Lyrics

What are you even saying? Thinking he will betray her as his mother did, she pushes Steven, making him drop the rejuvenator.

  • During the movie when Steven is about to search for Amethyst, the Spinel offers to come along, and when Steven asks her to stay put, she immediately lashes out.

  • She can also coil her extended limbs to form a spring with an inflated fist at the end.