Lory del santo photos - Eric Clapton Relives His Son's Tragic Death in New Biography

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Santo photos del lory CLAPTON’S EX

Lory Del Santo, the most recent photo of her son L...

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Santo photos del lory CLAPTON’S EX

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The Truth about Clapton and the death of our son

I remembered we were having dinner on Christmas Day at his manager's house and I felt dredfully sick.

  • Conor was in his room still wearing his pyjamas - he wouldn't go to sleep in any others.

  • It is full of anger.

What really happened when Eric Clapton's 4

I left him to his thoughts.

  • He was pretending to be asleep but when I went to bed, he jumped in with me - he was so excited about the day he'd had with his Daddy.

  • He was playing with his nanny and I heard him talking and shouting happily.

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