Wifey english to chinese - My wife has changed after swinging

To chinese english wifey I typed

My wife has changed after swinging

To chinese english wifey My wife

To chinese english wifey I typed

To chinese english wifey How to

30+ Must

To chinese english wifey How to

To chinese english wifey My wife

My wife cheated and let her lover do things she’d never let me do.

To chinese english wifey How to

To chinese english wifey My wife

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To chinese english wifey How to

My wife has changed after swinging

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The sex between us became less and less and a month later she told me she'd been shopping with this guys wife and she'd treated my wife to loads of new expensive clothes and she started hanging out with this woman weekly.

  • I just want to hang out, bone, and go home.

  • How do I find someone I trust enough to play with, but not get into a relationship territory? Posts which are intentionally disruptive, inane, or nonsensical will be removed.

30+ Must

It can be used for either males or females.

  • If you are not the author of the comic in question, you may only submit links to the page where it is hosted.

  • Try FetLife, which caters to kinksters, or OkCupid, which has a lot of poly people for some indiscernible reason.

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