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Character: Dark Sun Gwyndolin

Dark Anor Londo is probably the most common point in the game to get invaded except for dueling in the Kiln.

  • Thou shalt perish in the twilight of Anor Londo.

  • You also may have a hard time co-oping since 1 of the more co-op oriented Covenants precludes darkening Anor Londo, and the Darkmoon PvP covenant won't want to kill Gwyndolin.

Gwyndolin blesses the undead (DarkSouls) » 18Comix

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any feedback or concerns.

  • Yorshka, young and almost compulsively shy, hides herself in the silk folds of his dress.

  • Possible to dodge by rolling to the sides or directly under it or blocking with a good magic shield.

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