Shes fine shes literally fine - What does it really mean when a girl says shes fine? : AskReddit

Shes fine literally fine shes What does

Shes fine literally fine shes What does

Shes fine literally fine shes What does

VIDEO: Lloyd On If 'You' Lyrics Are 'She's Fine Too' Or 'She's 5'2"'

Shes fine literally fine shes VIDEO: Lloyd

Slam! (She’s fine) : KidsAreFuckingStupid

Shes fine literally fine shes VIDEO: Lloyd

Shes fine literally fine shes VIDEO: Lloyd

Shes fine literally fine shes Slam! (She’s

Shes fine literally fine shes VIDEO: Lloyd

Shes fine literally fine shes Slam! (She’s

Shes fine literally fine shes What does

Slam! (She’s fine) : KidsAreFuckingStupid

This was a drunk joke from years ago.

  • If you dislike kids, that's fine.

  • This sub is meant as a fun joke.

What does it really mean when a girl says shes fine? : AskReddit

It can literally mean a lot of things.

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