Samantha fox page 3 1983 - Celebrity Big Brother's Samantha Fox Page Three photos emerge with Heather Mills

Fox 1983 samantha page 3 8 startling

Samantha Fox, 54, reveals she insured her famous boobs for £1MILLION during her Page 3 heyday

Fox 1983 samantha page 3 Samantha Fox

Fox 1983 samantha page 3 Samantha Fox

Fox 1983 samantha page 3 TV80s

Fox 1983 samantha page 3 Celebrity Big

8 startling facts about The Sun's Page 3

Fox 1983 samantha page 3 When famous

Fox 1983 samantha page 3 Prawn Cufflinks:

Fox 1983 samantha page 3 Samantha Fox,

Fox 1983 samantha page 3 My boobs


Fox 1983 samantha page 3 Samantha Fox


Around the same time, she also appeared in television adverts for in The Sun newspaper.

  • But, cast your minds back to the 1980s, and some page three girls would even go on to become big-name celebrities, make hit records, and generally have far more media attention focused on them than their often modest talents deserved.

  • Her parents gave consent for her to pose topless and she became the youngest Page 3 Girl and the only one given a four-year contract.

8 startling facts about The Sun's Page 3

Featuring toned torsos, the men featured posed in only a small pair of pants.

  • Samantha Karen Sam Fox born April 15 1966 in Mile End London England is a former English glamour model and singer.

  • Sam Fox was born in Mile End London United Kingdom.