Nude bath time - Katie Price strips naked for a bath with daughter Bunny, 6

Time nude bath Getting scrubbed

Katie Price strips naked for a bath with daughter Bunny, 6

Time nude bath Katie Price

Getting scrubbed and naked at a real Turkish bath

Time nude bath Katie Price

Katie Price strips naked for a bath with daughter Bunny, 6

Time nude bath Getting scrubbed

Time nude bath Katie Price

Getting scrubbed and naked at a real Turkish bath

Time nude bath Katie Price

Getting scrubbed and naked at a real Turkish bath

Time nude bath Katie Price

Time nude bath Getting scrubbed

Katie Price strips naked for a bath with daughter Bunny, 6

Time nude bath Getting scrubbed

Getting scrubbed and naked at a real Turkish bath

Time nude bath Getting scrubbed

Katie Price strips naked for a bath with daughter Bunny, 6

Getting scrubbed and naked at a real Turkish bath


  • Beneath the dome is a vast heated hexagonal marble slab known as the göbektaşı, surrounded by white and gray marble benches and sinks.

  • Like a chef dispensing icing or custard from a pastry bag, she squeezes from the top down, releasing fragrant lemony olive—smelling foam onto my torso.

Katie Price strips naked for a bath with daughter Bunny, 6

Thoroughly drenched, we are led through a door to the main event: A large room with a giant white dome lined with rows of star and hexagon cutouts and small clusters of circular portholes, each letting in a distinct beam of light.

  • On a trip to Istanbul, I had the pleasure—mixed with a tiny bit of pain—of experiencing the real deal at , built in 1580 by famed Ottoman architect Mimar Sinan.

  • Özlem first douses me—again—with more bowls of water, over my head, neck, shoulders, and back, before gently scrubbing my face with a small exfoliating cloth, her plump cheeks just inches from mine.