Her first appearance took place on the January 26 episode of , in which she appeared on stage, dressed as a , speaking in riddles while and attacked and stole their title belts, thus forming a stable called.
How rich is Holly Letkeman? But not everybody knows what Tanea Brooks starred in an episode of Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan! In late—May, after she saved from an attack by and Sienna, and refused to join their , Rosemary turned for the first time since joining the promotion.
The two wrestled into a double count-out and continued to brawl backstage, when Rosemary wrapped a noose around Susie's neck and resurrecting Su Yung.
On August 16, 2014, she won the.
At the next set of tapings in October 2011, she faced , and , where Rush picked up a win against Roxx but lost to the other two wrestlers.
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